
Climber Seeds

Eccremocarpus scaber 'Tresco Mix' / Chilean Glory Vine / Climber / Seeds
£ 1.79
A free flowering climber with a mix of orange, red and yellow tubular flowers from May into late autumn.
Pack of seeds (approx 250 seeds)
Gloriosa superba / Flame Lily / Climber / Seeds
£ 2.25
A climbing plant with scarlet and yellow striped flowers from July to September.
Pack of seeds (10 seeds)
Mina lobata 'Exotic Love' or Ipomoae lobata / Spanish Flag  / Climber / Seeds
£ 1.89
An exotic-looking and fast growing climber with showy flowers from July to the first frost.
Pack of seeds (15 seeds)
Morning Glory ‘Mini Sky-Blue’ / Ipomoea hirsuta / Seeds
£ 1.79
A free-flowering Morning Glory with star-shaped flowers in sky-blue, from July to the first frost.
Pack of seeds (25 seeds)
Morning Glory ‘Split Personality’ / Ipomoea purpurea / Seeds
£ 1.59
A new variety of Morning Glory with star-shaped flowers in magenta pink with a white centre, from July to the first frost.
Pack of seeds (25 seeds)
Morning Glory ‘Star of Yelta’ / Ipomoea purpurea / Climber / Seeds
£ 1.75
A striking climber, with large flowers in Royal deep blue, flowering profusely from July to the first frost.
Pack of seeds (30 seeds)
Nasturtium 'Jewel of Africa' / Tropaeolum majus / Climber / Seeds
£ 1.65
A climbing Nasturtium with variegated foliage and a vibrant mix of richly coloured flowers from June to the first frost.
Pack of seeds (30 seeds)
Pandorea jasminoides / Bower Vine / Fragrant Climber / Seeds
£ 1.59
A fast growing ever-green climber with scented white and pink flowers in summer and autumn.
Pack of seeds (approx 30 seeds)
Passiflora caerulea / Blue Passionflower / Climber / Seeds
£ 1.99
A hardy perennial climber with large white and blue-tinged flowers from July to September.
Pack of seeds (25 seeds)