
Lavender dentata / Fringed Lavender / Lavandula dentata / Spanish Lavender / Seeds

(Code: JEL_007)
£ 1.99
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Lavender dentata / Fringed Lavender / Lavandula dentata / Spanish Lavender / Seeds

An aromatic Lavender with toothed green-green leaves and attractive violet-blue flowers June to September.  The flowers are topped by pale blue brachts and look great in borders and containers.  They have a compact shape and grow to a height of 60-80 cm.  These are one of the few Lavenders that grow well indoors, making excellent house plants, flowering well into the winter on a bright windowsill.

These plants grow best in full hot sun and well-drained soil, doing well in dry herb gardens, rockeries and pots.  They are on the tender side, but can survive winters in warmer places in the UK in well-drained soil – otherwise take indoors over winter.  Plants tolerate coastal gardens.

Pack of approx 30 seeds.  Sow in spring to autumn.  Sowing instructions and a colour photo are printed on the packet.  


See how your seeds are packed.

Hardiness Hardy to half hardy evergreen perennial (RHS Hardiness H3/H4)
Flowers June to September
Height 60 - 80cm
Spread 50 - 80cm
Conditions  Sun and well drained soil - protected from hard frost

Sow in spring to autumn.  Sow the seeds in a tray of seed compost,cover lightly with compost and keep at 15-20°C. Seedlings emerge from a few weeks onwards.  Transplant seedlings into pots when they are big enough and into the garden or larger containers.  

Grow Plants need little care once established.  Lightly trim plants after flowering or in the spring.  Do not cut into the woody parts of the plant, as stems may not regrow.  If kept indoors, best to plant these in terracotta pots to help keep the soil on the dry side.  They grow best in bright light with some ventilation or air flow if possible.  Plants are not generally troubled by pests and diseases.  Semi-ripe cuttings can be done in summer.