
Dierama pulcherrimum 'Album' / White Angel's Fishing Rod / Seeds

(Code: SIL_045)
£ 3.25
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Dierama pulcherrimum 'Album' / White Angel's Fishing Rod / Seeds

A white  form of the beautiful Angel’s Fishing Rod. Plants form tall arching stems of pendulous flowers in July to September.  Flower stems grow to a height of 1-1.5m, and sit above smaller grass-like leaves.  Plants look great in borders, gravel gardens and mixed with ornamental grasses.

Dierama ‘Album’ prefers sun in a relatively sheltered spot and rich free draining soil.  Plants need little effort once established.


Pack of 10 seeds.  Sow anytime, at room temperature and in diffuse light.  Germination takes 1-3 months and can be erratic so sow more than you need.  Sowing instructions and a colour photo are printed on the packet.


See how your seeds are packed.

Hardiness Hardy semi-evergreen perennial (forms corms) (RHS Hardiness H4)
Flowers July to September
Height 1-1.5m
Spread 60cm
Conditions  Sun to part shade and rich well-drained soil.

Sow on the surface of a tray of moist seed compost.   Press seeds gently into the compost and do not cover.  Keep in diffuse light at 15-20°C and germination takes 3-4 weeks.  If there is no germination, move to a fridge for 2-4 weeks and back into the warmth. Transplant the seedlings into pots when they are big enough to handle and then into the garden after the last frost. Protect late summer and autumn seedlings in a greenhouse over winter before planting out in the spring. 

Grow Plants take 2-3 years to establish themselves and then need little attention.  They are semi-evergreen, often keeping some leaves over winter.  Tidy up dead leaves in spring.  Apply fertilizer in spring and water during dry summer spells.  Mature clumps can be divided in spring or after flowering in autumn.